How to get rid of muscle pain

How to get rid of muscle pain

How to Eliminate Muscle Pain can be caused by fatigue or underlying health problems. In most cases, muscle pain will heal on its own without medical treatment. Meanwhile, home care and lifestyle changes can be used to relieve pain to a cured condition. It's just that, natural muscle pain for one week or more should be seen by a doctor.
Before we provide information about how to relieve muscle pain quickly, we will first provide it with a little information about muscle pain itself. If the symptoms of muscle pain appear, of course, this can interfere with the comfort and daily activities.

How to get rid of muscle pain?

Do the RICE technique. RICE is a technique for treating muscle pain which is short for rest, ice, compression and elevation. Practising RICE techniques can help relieve muscle pain. If muscle aches, avoid strenuous activities for a few days and let the muscles heal again.
Soak in the bathtub. Heat can help relieve muscle aches. So, try soaking in a warm bath for about 20 minutes to help relieve muscle aches. Some people say that Epsom salts can help relieve muscle pain. You can add a handful of Epsom salt to the warm bath and leave it until it dissolves.
Give warm compresses after 48-72 hours. If the muscle still feels pain after treatment for 2 or 3 days, consider giving a warm compress. You can use a heating pad or wet the washcloth with warm water. Do not fall asleep while using a cushion or blanket because it risks creating a fire.
Try using a free pain reliever. Free pain relievers like ibuprofen and paracetamol can be used to treat muscle pain. Use all drugs according to the packaging guidelines. If you currently also use prescription drugs, you should consult with your doctor first. Or the pharmacist before using over the counter drugs to ensure that they do not interact negatively. It may be useful to overcome muscle pain.

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